Dear visitor,
In this part of myreefguide, I look for help from coral reef enthousiast like myself, and marine biologists who can help me to identify certain specimen.
Some already have a name, but because I am not 100% sure, I added them in this list. If you have the knowledge and willing to help me to identify these specimen, please contact me via
All help will be more than welcome.
Thanks to the following people for helping me to identify certain species: dr. Rob W.M. van Soest, Nicole de Voogd, Tinneke Smit, Johny Leffelaer (R.I.P.), Shahnawaz Gul, Siglinde Müller, Frederic Ducarme, Lindsay Warren.

2 blue 3 Koan
4 tentcls_weh_15
5 Clavelina
6 IMG_9224_weh
7 Haliclona-auletta sp
8 Gorgonia 2
9 Hydroid_alor
14 Cypraea sp.
15 Sea-cucumber
16 1_IMG_6841_weh
17 1P1010193 Mlbl