- Hans A. Baensch &Helmut Debelius 1995 Meerwasser Atlas Band 1.
ISBN 3-88244-020-1

Erhardt Harry ; Moosleitner Horst 1995 Meerwasser Atlas Band 2.
ISBN 3-88244-021-X (Wirbellose)

Erhardt Harry ; Moosleitner Horst 1995 Meerwasser Atlas Band 3.
ISBN 3-88244-022-8 (Wirbellose)

Erhardt Harry ; Baensch Hans A. 1998 Meerwasser Atlas Band 4.
ISBN 3-88244-023-6 (Wirbellose)

Erhardt Harry ; Baensch Hans A. 2000 Meerwasser Atlas Band 5.
ISBN 3-88244-025-2 (Wirbellose)

Harry Erhardt & Daniel Knop : Corals - Indo-Pacific field guide.
ISBN 3-925919-69-4 Ikan - Unterwasserarchive

Dr. Robert Patzner ; Dr. Horst Moosleitner 1999 Meerwasser Atlas Band 6.
ISBN 3-88244-026-0 (Non. Perciformes)

Hans A. Baensch ; Dr. Robert Patzner 1998 Meerwasser Atlas Band 7.
ISBN 3-88244-027-9 (Perciformes)

B. Robin ; C. Petron ; C. Rives 1980 Living Corals. ISBN 981-204-775-1

Helmut Debelius 1996 Nudibranchs and Sea Snails- Indo-Pacific field guide.
Ikan-unterwasser Archiv

Helmut Debelius 1999 Crustacean guide of the world.

Helmut Debelius ; Rudie H. Kuiter 2007 Nudibranchs of the World. ISBN 978-3-939767-06-0

Rudie H. Kuiter ; Helmut Debelius 2007 World Atlas of Marine Fishes. ISBN 3-925919-77-5

Ewald Lieske ; Robert Myers 1994 Reef fishes Of The World. ISBN 962-593-140-6

Dieter Eichler ; Ewald Lieske 1995 Koraalvissen Indische Oceaan. ISBN 90-70206-04-8

Ralf M. Hennemann 2001 Sharks & Rays elasmobranch guide of the world.
ISBN 3-925919-33-3 Conchbooks

Dr. Burgess Warren E ; Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod ; Raymonde Hunziker III 1990
Dr. Burgess’s Atlas

Kuiter Rudie H. 2000 Seahorses, pipefish and their relatives. ISBN 0-9539097-0-0
TMC Publishing

Mark Norman : Cephalopods a world guide. ISBN 3-925919-32-5 Conchbooks

Gerald Allen, Roger Steene, Paul Humann, Ned Deloach ;
Reef fish identification, Tropical Pacific
New World Publications, Inc. ISBN 1-878348-36-1

Paul Humann, Ned Deloach 2010 Reef creature identification. ISBN 978-1-878348-44-9
New World Publications, Inc.

-Terrence M. Gosliner; Angel Valdès; David W. Behrens : Nudibranch & Sea Slug identification, Indo-Pacific. ISBN 978-1-878348-59-3 New World Publications, Inc.